We are excited to share that Integration Wizards has been acquired by SparkCognition, a global leader in AI solutions perfected for business. Redirecting in 0 seconds.

IRIS AI to combat Covid-19

Safeguard your employees from Covid-19 by installing a computer vision solution that is 98% accurate, 100% transparent and ready to deploy without an infrastructure overhaul.
Detect to Deter
Face mask compliance
Measure to Manage
Social distance monitoring
Scan to Safeguard
Face-recognition attendance app
Accurate. Agile. Accelerated.
Works on Existing CCTV Infrastructure
Cost effective, less downtime.
Real-time Notifications and Alerts
Location-specific alarms, immediate action, provides data for improved planning.
Native Mobile/Web Applications
Dashboards provide detailed information on safety compliance within an enterprise. Configure alarms and assign stakeholders to receive notifications.
Cloud & On-prem Deployment Options
Supported on Azure, AWS, Google cloud, with the option of on-prem deployment.
In line with the GDPR, PDPA, and other regional compliance requirements and regulations.
Discover Measurable Business Benefits
Detect to Deter
Face mask compliance
N95, Surgical Masks as well as custom masks are detected as long as they are in field of view of the camera. If an individual is detected without face mask, an alarm is raised.
  • Can detect up to 64 faces in frame.
  • Accuracy in excess of 98%.
  • Reports and dashboards for compliance audits.
  • Realtime notifications on WhatsApp, SMS, Email and IVR.
  • Can interface with Buzzers, PA systems.
Measure to Manage
Social distance monitoring
A configurable tolerance threshold is set for every camera. When two or more individuals do not maintain the defined threshold in terms of distance for a specific period of time, an alarm is raised.
  • When threshold is not maintained, alarm is raised.
  • Can detect up to 64 people in frame.
  • Accuracy in excess of 98%.
  • Dashboard of Physical Distancing Index for compliance audits.
  • Realtime notifications on WhatsApp, SMS, Email and IVR.
  • Interface with Buzzers, PA systems.
  • Supports IR Mode.
  • Can be used for detecting crowd formation.
Scan to Safeguard
Face-recognition attendance app
LogMyFace is a location-specific facial-recognition app for contactless attendance. It can be used for both in-office and field service employees. When employees are in a specified area - inside the office or client’s place, they can open the app and log-in their attendance by letting it scan their face.
  • Recognises faces even when mask is on.
  • User can log-in attendance anywhere in a specified location.
  • Accuracy in excess of 98%.
  • Reports and dashboards for compliance audits.
Dashboards & KPIs
Fully Customizable Dashboard
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Get in touch with us to know how to make your enterprises safer.